

Nostalgic jazz-funk sounds are injected with new, more experimental tones in Mark Lean’s emotionally charged single “Lounge”. Underscored with transcendent vocals and a compelling flow, the riveting single is the product of the artist’s endurance with severe depression and anxiety. We all experience ups and downs, and Mark’s latest display of emotions is here to remind us that even the best of us experience low moments.

Conjuring up a true vision of disco funk, Lean playfully exercises the power of honesty and vulnerability with his rich melodies and intuitive lyricism. Revered for his authenticity and sentimentality Mark Lean asserts, “I make music with the intention to express different parts of what it feels like to be human, and this is the right time to share something so personal and very emotional to connect with my fans. My motto is to embrace yourself and be honest. Then, you can change the world”.

In short, it is impossible to escape the memorable tenderness of the rising artist’s newest single, which is sure to have you dancing to its mesmeric beat all day whilst contemplating the sentimentality of the meaningful lyrics.

Head below to listen to “Lounge”…

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